Found in these drinks:
- Roman Holiday
- Tequila Matador
- The Devil Wears Pineapples
- Banana Farmer
- Early Bird
- Jungle Slow Cruise
- Anotha Colada
- Hoodwinked
- Tropical Dragon
- Jungle Bird
- Los Altos
- Black Widower
- Mama D'lo
- Smokey Pineapple Passion Rita
- Rhonda’s Armada
- Kingston Sound System
- Karincho Bird
- Free Rider
- Navy Grogu
- Hey Mambo
- Humuhumunukunukuapua'a
- Warrior's Swizzle
- Chasing the Blue Fairy
- Red Black & Green
- The Mastodon
- Mammoth Tusk
- Dark Matter
- Bumboat
- Angostura Colada
- Cafe de Calabaza
- Easter Bounty
- Piña Verde
- Boo Loo
- Hinky Dinks Fizzy
- Very Nice Things
- Port Au Prince
- Halekulani cocktail
- Norwegian Paralysis
- Chartreuse Swizzle
- Top Notch Volcano
- The Dead Reckoning
- Piñata
- Bait & Switch
- Surfer on Acid
- Fresh Start
- Mr. Bali Hai
- Kiwi Swizzle
- Bornean Spiderhunter XL
- Amaro Di Coco
- From Skye to Jungle
- Beach Goth
- Hammond's Amber
- Planet of the Apes
- Blue Milk of Tatooine
- Lord of Chaos
- Oaxacan Monks
- Lei Lani Volcano 2.0
- Kalinda
- Poolside Punch
- Caribbean Nuts
- Mary Pickford
- Royal Hawaiian
- Hawaiian Funk